11 min readAug 11, 2022


How To Lose That Weight Free From Exercise- 43-Time Tested Approach.

The concept and problems attributed to being overweight are far-reaching and are to be approached from two dimensions, the external or physical perspective, and the internal or physiological perspective. The physical attributions to being overweight are products of many emotional and social problems. Obesity has exceeded alarming proportions, with estimated 3 million people globally dying annually resulting from being overweight.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Being overweight is a major underlining problem of many heart-related problems, including diabetes and cancer, not even mentioning the stigma that is associated with this malaise, especially in growing children and adolescents. Depression, low self-esteem and suicide, for those who are of school age overweight bias from peers and the school environment impedes and affects the opportunities and chances of excelling in life, leading to social and health in-balance.

How to Lose That Weight weight Free From Exercise addresses these factors as it affects both the young and elderly giving them tips on how to go about tackling them. A very important factor here that is worthy of note based on the ethical conclusion that when the root causes of being overweight are made to look simple like saying, “exercise more and diet well” especially now that many nutritionists can claim that certain so-called forbidden foods can be consumed in the right proportion and quantities and also the ‘right mix”, these assertions have gone ahead to enlarge the impact of this overweight problem setting unrealistic expectations making it difficult for them to come to terms with the seriousness of these problems in an evolving world. Early intervention and prevention of the root causes of overweight by stakeholders saddled with the moral and ethical responsibility of taking measures, particularly on behalf of the growing children, to stem not only the health but also the social implications of overweight.

Why It Is Imperative To Lose That Weight?

Apart from the emotional and social implications of being overweight, there are many health considerations that are directly attributed to it.

Diabetes: This is a condition where the body can no longer regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. Many known cases of diabetics are known to be overweight.

High Blood Pressure: This is a situation where blood flows into the heart with abnormality, it wears out and destroys blood vessels, leading to stroke and kidney failure.

Sleep apnea: This is a disorder where your breathing is irregular during sleep. You might even stop breathing altogether for short periods of time. This may raise the risk of diabetes or heart problems.

Fatty Liver Disease: This is a condition where fat builds up in the liver. This may lead to liver damage and failure

Cancers: In cancers, body cells begin dividing abnormally, without ceasing whilst spreading to other tissues, overweight will increase the risk of developing certain types of cancers.

Kidney Disorders: This is a disorder where the kidney can no longer filter blood as it should. Being overweight increases the chances of diabetes and high blood pressure, which are two principal causes of kidney disease.

Pregnancy: overweight increases the problems that may arise during pregnancy, like gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia-an increase in blood pressure that can threaten the life of mother and baby.

C-Section: The need for a caesarian section can generate a lot of problems later.

Gallbladder disorder: Imbalances in the constituents of bile-a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. These imbalances cause gallstones. These forms result from high levels of fat in the body.

Concluding this section, depression is a major social and emotional problem that overweight people have to deal with emanating from bias and stigma even from healthcare givers. This can lead to shame, rejection and guilt-further compounding their mental health problems. We can nip these and many more problems in the bud through this piece How To Lose That Weight Free From Exercise 63-Time-Tested ways of avoiding and dealing with problems associated with and emanating from being overweight.

The methods enumerated here are without exercise-which mentioning much belief is the only way one can get results if one is to lose that weight, whilst many overweight people find it daunting-the exercise module, the methods here must be approached like anything that must produce results with discipline, determination and doggedness.

Many have opined that the best way to lose that fat is to reduce your eating habit which many overweight people give into and find a difficult if not impossible option and exercise more another no-go area for overweight people, this principle may sound rational in theory but just doesn't sit well with many exercises isn't an option when trying to reduce weight.

Exercise increases the rate of metabolism, and fats and calories burn more efficiently. A faster metabolism is one reason exercise is natural to eating less for weight loss. By eating less and burning off calories with exercise, you can reach your calorie-cutting objective quicker, however, if you can’t exercise, it may take you quite a while to lose weight. This is not a bad idea, as trimming down slowly can enable you to maintain it much longer than a faster weight loss. It is a long-term goal and must be approached like that. Losing weight without exercise also implies a decisiveness in burning that fat that you take in through what you eat whilst eating healthy.

Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash

43-Time-tested Tips For Losing Weight Free Of Exercise

  1. Increase your water intake: Drink a lot of water purposefully, it fills you up more whilst replacing some sugary calory-adding drinks that are tempting to take intermittently, as you increase your fibre intake take plenty of water, carry drinking water around with you always
  2. Cherish Those Proteins: Protein keeps you going. Small amounts at a time per meal are essential and vital. We must take them alongside carbohydrates and fat in the right mix. Examples are Greek yoghurt, salmon, milk, and chicken breast.
  3. Take More Sleep: Taking enough sleep helps to limit chemical substances in the body that stimulate the body's hunger mechanism, if you sleep less the tendency is that you will eat more, inadequate sleep also triggers a stress-related hormone that craves calories and increases your affinity for fats.
  4. Eat more Fibre: Eating more fibre creates a sense of fullness. Examples fullness. Examples are beans, pear, broccoli, and raspberries. They go along with the increase in water intake.
  5. Be around healthy foods always: It is only psychologically natural to make unhealthy choices regarding what we eat when surrounded by unhealthy choices in food preference. It's natural to reach out for that readily available food because it is available.
  6. Be decisive and patient with what you hope to achieve: Realise that the process will take longer and you may come across setbacks. Even when you exercise, which may be faster, you still have to deal with some challenges, stay in there and remain focused.
  7. Eat-In Appropriate portions: Eat only what is required and not all that is available. Try mostly to eat half only of what they set before you, no matter how delicious looking or tasting it is.
  8. Do Not Be Distracted: There is always the tendency to eat too much when you are distracted. Try to focus on what you are eating, eating mindfully helps you focus on what you eat.
  9. Avoid Sugars And Refined Carbs: Refined carbohydrates are thoroughly processed foods whereby the fibre contents and other nutrients have been excluded eg rice they digest readily and convert to glucose, which promotes fat storage. As much as possible, processed foods and sugars should be avoided for more healthy choices.
  10. Staying away from food deliberately and occasionally, you might want to call this occasional fasting, we might better describe this as a pattern of eating that is irregular for short-term periods, this can lead to a generous decrease in body weight.
  11. The Smaller The Better: Try using smaller plates and bowls for eating. You will gradually get used to eating small without going. Hungry, it's a conditioning of the brain to eat small.
  12. Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol in excess contains so many calories. Drinking too much is a recipe for weight gain if you can avoid it totally.
  13. Have a meal schedule: Create what you have to take throughout an entire day, even for the week, and stick to what's best and allowable for you.
  14. Measure Your Stride: Evaluation of your progress is very vital, doing this on a scale just to let you know how much weight you have lost for a period during this project, many consider this stressful but it helps to be to know how much progress you are making.
  15. Avoid Stress Spike: Studies have shown that the way people react to stress determines how they eat, if you lose your cool on the grounds of stress you eat more, so try as much as possible to maintain your stress level by meditation or listening to music, anything that will control stress in you.
  16. Get A Journal: Try as much as you can to write out what you eat whether, in a journal, notebook or anything that you can always refer to, having proved it to be one of the most efficient weight loss tools available; it helps you to know when you miss it.
  17. Olive Oil: Many who consume vegetable oil don't really take note that some are high in some fatty acids like omega-6 which is inflammatory causing weight gain virgin olive oil is good in ingredients lowering blood pressure reducing flair for eating thereby favouring weight loss.
  18. Avoid Heavy Meals At Night: It is no news taking a heavy meal at night just before bedtime increases weight gain. Studies have concluded it is preferable to take a heavier meal in the morning and a lighter one at night for supper.
  19. Always Eat Breakfast: I have heard a lot of people opine “I am not a breakfast person” this usually echoes what many believe that skipping morning food helps to lose weight, on the contrary, if you skip breakfast the tendency of making up for that later in the day is very high, more so it reduces the impact of certain metabolic hormones responsible for keeping your weight in check.
  20. Take A Lot of: they have shown Lemon to promote weight loss, not only because it contains high levels of Vitamin C, a nutrient that has the power to reduce cortisol levels-which is a stress hormone that triggers hunger and fat hormone. The peel of lemon contains high levels of pectin, which makes people feel full and eat less.
  21. Learn To Cook Your Meals; If you eat out, mostly change and begin to cook your meals. If you cook your meals, a lot of unhealthy foods can be avoided, but eating out most often adds to weight gain.
  22. Be Cautious Of Your Intestinal Health: we find a lot of bacteria in the intestinal tract, and imbalances in certain bacterial communities can lead to weight gain. We can address this by eating fermented food, which helps in health maintenance.
  23. Avoid Temptation At Work: Take care of your work environment and keep food away while you work. This takes care of the temptation to eat while on the job.
  24. Maintain Low Heat: Try to maintain your temperature low regardless of the weather. A higher temperature favours weight gain.
  25. Take A lot Of Tea: Many varieties of tea promote weight loss, e.g. mint, which suppresses appetite and cinnamon reduces sugar levels while peppermint breaks down fat.
  26. Commune With Your Body: Many find it difficult to focus on their intake and nutritional value of the food they consume, but you can always listen to what your body is telling you and how it makes you feel.
  27. Have A Chat: Talk to an expert and get some advice about what you are doing and how you are doing, then get tested.
  28. Know When Exactly You Want To Eat; Plan your mealtime to reflect your three square meals eaten at exactly the same time. This will rule out mindless and careless eating, leaving everything to mealtime.
  29. First Thing Is Water: Have a bottle of water by your bedside and make it a habit to drink every time you wake up in the morning. This gives you the sensation of being full when you sit at breakfast or early morning meal.
  30. Don't Junk It Eats less Of It: Taking less of those foods you love to eat previously which do not add value to you helps you to cut back without fighting your natural tendencies, if you consume one bag every day try to cut it by half, this can bring about a calorie deficit that will make a huge difference.
  31. Cook Light: Where possible while frying, make use of an air fryer instead of deep-frying, you can lose weight not only by grilling or steaming but also by poaching.
  32. Don't Have An Elimination Mentality: We Should think of what to add or introduce to our meals rather than have a mentality of what to cut out or eliminate from our meals, which usually can be counterproductive.
  33. Balance Your Body Calories: Going all out against calories can be counterproductive. The body has an optimal calorie level it needs to operate, it must be maintained.
  34. Take A Healthy Amount Of Peppers: Spicy foods like cayenne pepper contain capsaicin, which regulates the body's release of stress hormones like adrenaline which speeds up the way fats and calories are being burnt. It can also aid in controlling overeating.
  35. Regular Walks Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenise [NEAT]This is the energy used for everything else except sleeping, eating, and anything sports, e.g. when we walk, type on a typewriter, etc. The trivial physical activity increases metabolic activity in the body and the combined energy given during these metabolic activities is what is measured. These walks will greatly affect weight loss.
  36. Go For High Water Content Foods: Foods rich in high water contents like cucumber, tomatoes, celery, grapes and watermelon, should be eaten, this will help you remain full due to their high constituent fibre content, in addition, to helping you regulate your salt and water content.
  37. Drink Coffee: Coffee contains VIT B, which helps boost metabolism and can reduce fat cells
  38. Take The Scale: Daily weighing has been known to help people lose weight, do it right in the morning before anything else, and be consistent.
  39. Prepare your meals well ahead of time. This will ensure your cooking is without stress.
  40. Black Tea: A kind of Chinese tea called black dragon is known to promote weight loss by increasing the ability of the body to break down fat.
  41. Garlic: Grind and chew garlic, a very effective remedy for T weight loss.
  42. Take Green Tea Unsweetened: Green Tea promotes fat burning and weight loss abilities.
  43. Eggs are high in protein and are ultimately good for promoting weight loss when added to foods. They are known to reduce appetite and increase fullness.

Conclusion: We can find alternatives in these proven time-tested methods of weight loss. The health and psychological urgency and emergency and associated to weight gain must be addressed immediately with the realization that options are available f physical exercise.




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